
Posters of film

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À Bout de Soufle / Breathless / Serseri Aşıklar (1960)
the Abyss (1989)
A Bug's Lİfe (1998)
A Clockwork Orange / Otomatik Portakal (1971)
A Fistful of Dollars / Bir Avuç Dolar İçin (1964)
A Perfect World / Mükemmel Dünya (1993)
Air Force One (1997)
Ali (2002)
Alien / Yaratık (1979)
Aliens / Yaratık 2 (1986)
Alien 3 / Yaratık 3 (1992)
All About My Mother / Annem Hakkında Herşey (1999)
Almost Famous (2000)
Always / Daima (1989)
Amadeus (1984)
Amarcord (1974)
Amelie (2001)
American Beauty / Amerikan Guzeli (1999)
Amistad (1997)
Andrei Rublyov / Andrei Rublev (1969)
Anna and the King (1999)
Annie Hall (1977)
Apocalypse Now / Kıyamet (1979)
Apollo 13 (1995)
Artificial Intelligence / Yapay Zeka (2001)
Austin Powers (1997)

Babe (1995)
Back to the Future / Geleceğe Dönüş (1985)
the Banger Sisters (2002)
Basic Instinct / Temel İçgüdü (1992)
Barber of Siberia / Sibirya Berberi (2002)
Batman (1989)
a Beautiful Mind / Akıl Oyunları (2002)
Bedazzled (2000)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Ben Hur (1959)
Besieged / The Siege (1998)
Big Blue (1988)
Big Chill (1983)
Big Lebowski (1998)
Big Trouble (2002)
Billy Elliot (2000)
the Birds / Kuşlar (1963)
Birthday Girl / Yaşgünü Kızı (2001)
Blade Runner (1982)
Black Hawk Down (2001)
Blade (1998)
Blade 2 (2002)
Blue Velvet / Mavi Kadife (1986)
Blues Brothers / Cazcı Kardeşler (1980)
Blow (2001, Johnny Depp)
Bodyguard (1995)
Bone Collector (1999)
Bound (1996)
Braveheart / Cesur Yürek (1995)
Bridget Jones Diary (2001)
Bull Durham (1988)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
the Bridge on the River Kwai / Kwai Köprüsü (1957)

Cabaret / Kabare (1972)
Cape Fear / Korku Burnu (1991)
Carrie / Günah Tohumu (1976)
Carlito's Way / Carlito'nun Yolu (1993)
Casablanca (1942)
Casino (1995)
Cast Away / Yeni Hayat (2000)
Changing Lanes (2002)
Charlie's Angels / Charlie'nin Mellekleri (2000)
Chocolat / Çikolata (2000)
Cider House Rules (1999)
Cinema Paradiso (1989)
Citizen Kane / Yurttaş Kane (1941)
Clear and Present Danger (1994)
Cleopatra (1963)
the Color of Money / Paranın Rengi (1986)
Common Wealth / Halkımız Avanta Peşinde (2002)
Conan the Barbarian (1982)
Conan the Destroyer (1984)
the Count of Monte Cristo / Monte Cristo (2002)
Crash / Çarpışma (1996)
the Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz / Archibaldo de la Cruz un Suçlu Yaşamı (1955)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon / Kaplan ve Ejderha (2000)

D-TOX (2002)
Dancer in the Dark / Karanlıkta Dans (2000)
Dances with Wolves / Kurtlarla Dans (1990)
Das Experiment / Deney (2002)
the Deep End / Dipsiz (2002)
Desperado (1995)
Devil's Advocate / Şeytanın Avukatı (1997)
Dead Ringers / Ölü İkizler (1988)
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Dirty Harry / Kirli Harry (1971)
the Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie/
Burjuvazinin Gizli Çekiciliği (1972)

Domestic Disturbance / Yakın Tehlike (2002)
Dracula (1992)
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
Dr. Zhivago (1965)
Dreams (1990)

Elizabeth (1998)
Elling (2002)
Empire of the Sun / Güneş İmparatorluğu (1987)
End of Days / Günlerin Sonu (1999)
Enemy at the Gates / Kapıdaki Düşman (2001)
English Patient / İngiliz Hasta (1996)
Enter The Dragon (Bruce Lee)
Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
Eşkıya (1996)
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Eyes Wide Shut / Gözleri Tamamen Kapalı (1999)
Evita (1996)
ExistenZ / Varoluş (1999)
Exorcist / Şeytan (1973)

Fame (1980)
the Family Man (2000)
Fargo (1996)
Femme Fatale (2002)
the Fifth Element / 5. Güç (1996)
Fight Club / Dövüş Klubü (1999)
the Fly /Sinek (1986)
Forrest Gump (1994)
For a Few Dollars More / Birkaç Dolar İçin (1965)
Friday the 13th (1980)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)

the Game / Oyun (1997)
Ghostbusters / Hayalet Avcıları (1984)
Ghost / Hayalet (1990
Gilda (1946)
Gladiator (2000)
the Godfather / Baba (1972)
the Godfather II / Baba II (1974)
the Godfather III / Baba III (1990)
Godzilla (1998)
Gone with the wind / Rüzgar Gibi geçti (1939)
Goodfellas / Sıkı Dostlar (1990)
Good Will Hunting / Can Dostum (1997)
the Good, the Bad and the Ugly / İyi Kötü Çirkin (1967)
the Grapes of Wrath / Gazap Üzümleri (1940)
Grease (1978)
the Great Escape / Büyük Kaçış (1963)
the Green Mile / Yeşil Yol (1999)
the Grinch (2000)
the Guru (2002)

Hannibal (2001)
Hard Boiled (1992)
Hart's War (2002)

and the Sorcerers Stone / ve Felsefe Taşı (2001)
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and the Chamber of Secrets / ve Sırlar Odası (2002)
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High Crimes / Büyük Günahlar (2002)
High Noon / Kahraman Şerif (1952)
High and Low (1963)
Hook / Kanca (1991)
How Green Was My Valley / Vadim O Kadar Yeşildi ki (1941)

Ice Age (2002)
Ikiru / Living (1952)
The Informer (1935)
Independence Day (1996)
Impostor / İki Yüzlü (2002)
Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Intervista (1987)
Intimacy / Mahremiyet (2002)
Insider / Köstebek (2000)
Iris (2002)
It's a Wonderful Life

Jaws (1975)
Jason X (2002)
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back / Sessiz ve Derinden (2002)
John Q (2002)
the Jurassic Park (1993)
the Jurassic Park II : The Lost World (1997)

K-PAX (2001)
Kagemusha (1980)
Kundun (1997)

L.A. Confidential (1998)
La Strada (1953)
La Dolce Vita / Tatlı Hayat (1960)
the Lady from Shanghai / Şangaylı Kadın (1948)
the Last Emperor / Son İmparator (1987)
Last Tango in Paris / Paris'te Son Tango (1972)
Lawrence of Arabia / Arabistanlı Lawrence (1962)
Leathal Weapon / Cehennem Silahı (1987)
Leathal Weapon IV / Cehennem Silahı IV (1987)
Leon (1994)
Life is Beautiful / Hayat Güzeldir (1998)
Limelight / Sahne Işıkları (1952)
Little Buddha / Küçük Buda (1993)
Lolita (1962)
Lolita (1997)

The Fellowship of the Ring / Yüzük Kardeşliği (2001)
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The Two Towers / İki Kule (2001)
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The Return of the King / Kralın Dönüşü (2003)
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Long Time Dead / Öldüren Oyun (2002)
Los Olvidados /The Young and the Damned / Unutulmuşlar (1950)
Lost and Delirious / Kayıp ve Çılgın (2002)
Lost Highway / Kayıp Otoban (1997)
Lucia (2002)

Magnificent 7
M.Butterfly (1993)
the Majestic (2001)
Magnolia (1999)
Magnum Force (1973)
Man on the Moon (1999)
the Man Who Knew Too Much / Çok Şey Bilen Adam (1956)
Mars Attacks (1996)

the Matrix (1999)
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the Matrix Reloaded (2003)
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the Matrix Revolutions (2003)
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Men of Honor (2000)
Men in Black / Siyah Giyen Adamlar (1997)
Men in Black 2 / Siyah Giyen Adamlar 2 (2002)
Mean Streets (1974)
the Messenger (1999)
the Mexican / Meksikalı (2001)
Michael (1996)
Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Minority Report (2002)
Mission Impossible / Görevimiz Tehlike (1996)
Mission to Mars / Görev Mars (2000)
Missing / Kayıp (1982)
Modern Times / Modern Zamanlar (1936)
Monsters Inc. (2002)
Monsters Ball / Kesişen Yollar (2002)
Moulin Rouge / Kırmızı Değirmen (2001)
the Mothman Prophecies / Gecenin Nefesi (2002)
Mr. Arkadin (1955)
Mulholland Drive / Mulholland Çıkmazı (2001)
Murder by Numbers / Adım Adım Cinayet (2002)
the Mummy (1999)
the Mummy Returns / Mumya Dönüyor (2001)
My Darling Clementine (1946)
My Fair Lady

the Name of the Rose / Gülün Adı (1986)
Naked Lunch (1991)
Nikita (1990)
North by Northwest / Gizli Teşkilat (1959)
Notorious / Aşktanda Üstün (1946)
Novocaine (2002)

the ONE / TEK (2002)
the ONE / TEK (2002)
Ocean's 11 (2002)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest / Guguk Kuşu (1975)
On the Waterfront / Rıhtımlar Üzerinde (1954)
Once Upon a Time in Amrica / Bir Zamanlar Amerika'da (1984)
Once Upon a Time in the West / Bir Zamanlar Batı'da (1969)
Orange County (2002)

Panic Room (2002)
Papillon / Kelebek (1973)
the Patriot (2000)
Pearl Harbor (2001)
Perfect Storm / Kusursuz Fırtına (2000)
Peter Pan Return to Neverland / Varolmayan Ülkede (2002)
Pi (1998)
Platoon / Mufreze (1986)
Planet of Apes / Maymunlar Gezegeni (2001)
the Player / Oyuncu (1992)
Pleasantville (1998)
Pulp Fiction / Ucuz Roman (1994)
Pschyo / Sapık (1960)
Pretty Woman / Özel Bir Kadın (1990)

The Quiet Man (1952)

Rain Man / Yağmur Adam (1988)
Rainmaker (1997)
Raging Bull / Kızgın Boğa (1980)
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)
Rambo III (1988)
Ran / Kargaşa (1985)
Rashomon (1950)
Rear Window / Arka Pencere (1954)
Rebecca (1940)
Resident Evil (2002)
Reservoir Dogs / Rezervuar Köpekleri (1992)
Reservoir Dogs / Rezervuar Köpekleri (1992)
Revolution (1985)
the Rock / Kaya (1996)
Rocky (1976)
Rocky IV (1985)
Romance X (1999)
Roma (1972)
Romeo Must Die (2000)
Romeo and Juliet (1996)
the Royal Tenenbaums / Tenebaum Ailesi (2002)
Run Lola Run/ Koş Lola (2002)
Rush Hour (1998)
Rush Hour 2 (2001)

Sabrina (1954)
Saving Private Ryan / Er Ryan'ı Kurtarmak (1998)
Scarface / Yaralı Yüz (1983)
Schindler's List / Schindler'in Listesi (1993)
Scorpion King (2002)
Scream (1996)
Scream 2 (1997)
Scream 3 (2000)
the Score (2001)
the Searchers / Kayıp Kızı Arayanlar/Alaylılar (1956)
Senso 45 / Angelo Nero / Kara Melek (2002)
Seven / Yedi (1995)
the Seven Samurai / Shichinin no samurai / 7 Samuray (1954)
Seven Years in Tibet / Tibette 7 Yıl (1997)
Shakespeare in Love (1998)
Shallow Hal (2002)
the Shawshank Redemption / Esaretin Bedeli (1994)
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon / Sarı Kurdelalı Kız (1949)
the Sheltering Sky / Çölde Çay (1990)
the Shining (1980)
Showtime (2002)
the Silence of the Lambs / Kuzuların Sessizliği (1991)
Silent Movie (1976)
the Sixth Sense / Altıncı His(1999)
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Snake Eyes / Yılan Gözler (1998)
Snatch / Kapışma (2000)
Snow Dogs (2002)
Some Like It Hot (1959)
Spartacus (1960)
Speed / Hız Tuzağı (1994)
Spider Man (2002)
Spider Man (2002)
Spy Game (2002)
Stagecoach / Posta Arabası/Cehennemden Dönüş (1939)
Stalker (1977)
Star Trek III - The Search for Spock (1984)
Star Trek Insurrection (1998)
Star Trek 8-First Contact! (1996)

Star Wars / Yıldız Savaşları (1977)
Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back (1999)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1999)
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars: Episode 2 -Attack of Clones (2001)

Stealing Beauty / Çalınmış Güzellik (1996)
the Sting / Belalılar (1973)
Stigmata (1999)
the Story of Us / İkimizin Hikayesi (1999)
Subway / Metro (1986)
Superman (1978)
the Sweetest Thing / Ateşli ve Tatlı (2002)
Swordfish / Kod Adı: Kılıçbalığı (2001)

Taxi Driver / Taksi Şoförü (1976)
the Terminator (1984)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Thelma & Louise (1991)
The Man Who Wasn't There / Orada Olmayan Adam (2002)
the Thing / Şey (1982)
the Third Man / Üçüncü Adam (1949)
the Thin Red Line (1998)
Titanic (1997)
Time Machine (2002)
Touch of Evil (1958)
Total Recall / Gerçeğe Çağrı (1990)
Top Gun (1986)
Tomb Raider (2001)
Toy Story 2 (1999)
Traffic (2000)
the Trial / Dava (1963)
True Lies / Gerçek Yalanlar (1994)
Trainspotting (1996)
Trilogie de Trios Couleurs : Blue / Üç Renk : Mavi (1993)
Trouble Every Day / Hergün Başka Bir Bela (2002)
the Truman Show (1998)

Un chien andalou /Bir Endülüs Köpeği (1929)
Underground / Yeraltı (1995)
Unforgiven / Affedilmeyen (1992)
the Usual Suspects / Olağan Şüpheliler (1995)
Untouchables / Dokunulmazlar (1987)

Vanilla Sky (2001)
Vatel (2002)
Vertigo / Yükseklik Korkusu (1958)
Videodrome (1983)

Wasabi (2002)
We Were Soldiers (2002)
Windtalkers (2002)
Wild at Heart (1990)
What Women Want / Kadınlar Ne İster (2000)

Yamakasi / Modern Çağın Samurayları(2002)
Yojimbo / the Bodyguard (1961)

Z / Ölümsüz (1969)

2001 A Space Odyssey / 2001 Uzay Yolu Macerası (1968)
the 39 Steps / 39 Adım (1935)
3rd Man / Üçüncü Adam (1949)
40 Days and 40 Nidhts / Elim Belim Bağlı (2002)
the 6th Day / 6. Gün (2000)
8 1/2 / Sekiz buçuk (1963)
9 1/2 Weeks / 9.5 Hafta (1986)
the 13th Warrior / 13. Savaşçı (1999)



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