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Thedchanamoorthi (1933 – 1975)

The One who brought the Thavil to the World

Thedchanamoorthi was born in Unuvil, in the North of Sri Lanka, on August 26, 1933. His father, Visuvalingam was himself a keen musician and he and his wife, Irathinam Visuvalingam encouraged Thedchanamoorthi’s early interest in music.

Thedchanamoorthi was an accomplished classical musician, and this gift has been passed on through his children : two daughters, Kallaichelli and Udayaselvi, and three sons, Ravishangar, Udayasangar (himself a gifted thavil player who has played around the world) and Nyanapandiran. Indeed, his first grandson, Keethalayan is perpetuating the musical tradition in the family still today.

The thavil is a traditional percussion instrument, consisting of a large barrel-shaped bifacial drum made of jackwood, both openings covered by layered goatskin and tied over the rim with the help of bamboo hoops and braces. The left face of the drum is loaded with paste from inside the body. It is played with a stick by one hand, and the fingers of the other hand, which are covered with small caps. This instrument is physically very difficult to play, although Thedchanamoorthi’s skill made it seem deceptively natural.

Thedchanamoorthi was well-known in India, Malaysia and Sri Lanka during his life-time, and played in ____ in Chennai, ___ in Mumbai and many temples: ________ (India) and _____ (Sri Lanka). In 1959, he was invited as a guest player for the flute player _____, and at that festival, was granted an award for his outstanding talent: ______(4 names). Although he travelled frequently to bring his music to many audiences, he spent most of his married life in Alaveddy North, in northern Sri Lanka, where he lived in a house facing a temple, and from where he could see the vast spread of paddy fields and palmyrah trees near to his home.

Like a lotus, Thedchanamoorthi came forward from the Tamil people and culture to show the whole world the beauty of the thavil. He seemed to become the music he played, and even his personal appearance and character were that of one intended to be a musician.

more detail are coming up soon and sorry for not to fill up the spaces redindian001

147, from Alaveddy north, Jaffna, Sri lanka.

"Laya Gnana Kupera Poopathi" V.Thedchanamoorthi's ( from Alaveddy north, Jaffna, Sri lanka) Thavil kachcheri was the masterpiece during the Jaffna's Thiruvizha Season-
Thunder,Lightning, light wind, flowing river all mixes and floats in                                                               Thedchanamoorthy's Thavil "Natham".
Indian nathaswara vidwans requested his accompaniment for their important recitals .


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